Why Partner With Us?
Established Reputation: With 13+ years of experience in the outdoor gear industry, DRYCODE is a trusted and reliable brand.
Extensive Customer Base: We have served over 200,000 satisfied customers, offering top-quality products for various activities and terrains.
Influencer Endorsements: Our products are recommended by popular influencers on TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram, reaching millions and boosting brand awareness.
How To Join Us
Becoming a DRYCODE Affiliate Partner is a breeze. Once you are approved by our trusted affiliate network partner, GOAFFPRO, you will have many benefits. From generous commission rates to tangible returns, you'll have many advantages.
Register your member account by clicking the button below to join us now!
Benefits For Our Partners
Up to 10% commission on sales.
Exclusive discounts for your followers.
30-day cookie for customer conversion.
Dedicated support team for increased conversions.
How Does It Work?
STEP 1: Share our link and code on your website, Youtube, IG, Tiktok or other platforms.
Step 2: The visitor clicks on the link and makes a purchase on our website within 30 days.
Step 3: Congratulations, you've earned a commission. Keep up the good work!